HALOS Webinar: Use of HALOS facilities within clinical research

What opportunities do the large-scale facilities such as MAXIV and DESY offer for pre-clinical and clinical research? Our speakers Bodil Ohlsson, Anja Schmidt-Christensen (LU), Lars Dahlin and Karin Tran Lundmark (LU & Skåne University Hospital) will share their experiences and address aspects such as: -What extra value the large-scale facilities have created for their (pre-)clinical research -Why they would not have been able to achieve the same results with other technology offered by non-large-scale facilities -What they recommend to those who have not used the large-scale facilities in their research yet.

Från datum: 2022-05-23

Till datum: 2022-05-23

Namn Katja Woxell

Telefon +46768318923

E-post katja.woxell@med.lu.se

Adress till evenemanget: https://www.halos.lu.se/calendar/use-halos-facilities-within-clinical-research

Webbplats för evenemanget: https://www.halos.lu.se/calendar/use-halos-facilities-within-clinical-research

Pris: -

Arrangör: HALOS & Lunds universitet

HALOS Webinar: Use of HALOS facilities within clinical research

Medeon är en viktig life science-nod med sin centrala placering och specifika nätverk som erbjuder en av Öresundsregionens bästa tillväxtmiljöer för företagande och främjar utbytet mellan akademi, det offentliga och näringslivet.

Catrine Pauckstadt
Communications Manager